3D Modeling & BIM

For a digital transformation

I Argentine Edition

May 8, 2024

Montevideo 938

C1019 ABT, Buenos Aires

3D Modeling & BIM

For a digital transformation

I Argentine Edition

May 8, 2024

Montevideo 938

C1019 ABT, Buenos Aires


The Conference aims to provide the most updated and advanced tools and procedures for architectural planning, surveying, design and for their visualization, i.e. for the dissemination of the project, architecture and cultural heritage. The Conference also intends to constitute itself as a privileged observatory on the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) in architectural and sustainable design by examining both the technical aspects and the new procedures envisaged by the ongoing regulations regarding this new philosophy of organization of project representation . In one part the conference focuses attention on three-dimensional modeling, the management of images (static and dynamic) with visual effects in post production and representation through the use of 3D printers: procedures that allow effective visualization and understanding of the processes planning and/or recovery of the building heritage.

In the other part the Conference deals with B.I.M. (Building Information Modeling), seen as a logical and informative resource, which places the designer at the center of the construction process, on a small, medium and large scale. In recent years, in fact, the project, from the idea to the testing, has been broken up into a myriad of sectors often managed by different professionals, with inevitable coordination problems that affect the disconnected design procedures, whose decisions fall, from time to time, on the key issues of the proposal, slowing down the process and significantly increasing the costs.

Topics of the Workshop are: Digitalization and data acquisition, Digital Twin, Photogrammetry & image-based modeling, 3D scanning & digitization (laser, structured light, motion capture, etc.), Computer Graphics, 3D modeling (CAD-based and reality-based ), Real + virtual worlds (mixed/augmented reality), AI, Machine Learning, Virtualization of other senses (touch, taste, smell, sound).

The Workshop is organised, for the scientific coordination part, by BIM FADU (Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo) and by the Department of History, Representation and Restoration of Architecture of  Sapienza University of Rome.


19 February 2024 – Call for papers opens;

30 March 22 April 2024 – Paper submission deadline;

15 April 30 April 2024 – Communication of acceptance of papers;

8 May 2024 – 3D Modeling & BIM Workshop


The official languages of the conference are Spanish, Italian, and English.

The call for scholars is open from February 10, 2024, to March 30, April 15, April 22, 2024.

Paper acceptance, which will undergo double-blind review, will be communicated on April 15, April 25, April 30, 2024

Submission of a paper implies that it is original and has not been published elsewhere.

Authors are responsible for ensuring that the content and images they submit are not copyrighted.

Particular attention should be paid to citing sources and the work of other authors. Each citation must be properly verified by the author.

All authors of the paper must be listed in full.

The Conference Editorial Committee reserves the right to make editorial changes as deemed necessary.


Full Paper Requirements:

  • Title (maximum 80 characters)
  • Authors
  • Authors’ email affiliations
  • Abstract (500 characters including spaces)
  • Keywords (maximum 5)
  • Text (maximum 15,000 characters)
  • Up to 8 images (300 dpi, minimum width 1920px)
  • References


The paper, compressed in .zip format, must be named lastname_firstname of the first author and must contain:

  • A text file (.doc or .docx) complete with title, authors and affiliations, abstract, keywords, text, images, captions, notes and bibliography, in both languages or in the mother tongue, saved with the name: Lastname_Firstname_WS24;
  • A .pdf file of the complete paper with title, abstract, keywords, text, images, captions, notes and bibliography, without any references that could identify the authors, saved with the name: Lastname_Firstname_WS24_blind;

A file for each image in .jpeg format at 300 dpi, minimum width 1920px (named as lastname_figXX).



Bibliographic references inserted in the text should be in square brackets and include: [Author’s surname year of publication].

Ex.: [Rossi, 2020].

All references cited in the text must be included in the bibliography.



Numbering Endnotes Progressively

In the text, the reference to an endnote should be inserted in square brackets, immediately after the phrase to which the note refers.

Ex, if you want to cite an opinion of Professor Rossi, you can write:… as Professor Rossi argues [2].



For Bibliographic References follow general guidelines:

Indicate the edition of the text that was actually used and from which the information is extracted:

  • author, year of publication, page numbers;

ES.: Panofsky, E. (1961). La prospettiva come forma simbolica e altri scritti. Milano: Feltrinelli.


  • Book
  • Author(s), Initial(s). (Year of publication). Title. Place of publication: Publisher.

Ex.: Rossi M. (1984). Geometria descrittiva. Roma: Edizioni Kappa.


  • Curatorship
  • Last name of curator, first initial(s) of name (ed.). (Year of publication). Title. Place of publication: Publisher.

Ex.: Rossi M. (a cura di). (1984). Geometria descrittiva. Roma: Edizioni Kappa.


  • Contribution/Essay in a Monograph
  • Last name of author of contribution/essay, first initial(s) of name. (Year of publication). Title of contribution/essay. In First initial(s) of editor(s). Last name of editor (Eds.). Title of monograph, p./pp. Place of publication: Publisher.

Ex.: Rossi M. (1984). Proiezioni quotate. In Bianchi N. (a cura di). La Geometria descrittiva, p./pp. Roma: Edizioni Kappa.


  • Journal Article (Print)
  • Last name of author, first initial(s) of name. (Year of publication). Title of article. In Title of journal, volume number, p./pp. Place of publication: Publisher.

Ex.: Rossi M. (2017). Geometria descrittiva. In Annali di Storia della Geometria, n. 18, pp. 543-556. Roma: Gangemi editore.


  • Essay in Conference Proceedings
  • Last name of author, first initial(s) of name. (Year of publication). Title of essay. In N. Surname (Ed.). Number and Title of Conference (if applicable). Proceedings of the xxxxxxxxxx. Conference Location, Conference Date (Day/s Month Year), vol. (if applicable), pp. Place of publication: Publisher

Ex.: Rossi M. (2017). Geometria descrittiva. In Verdi G. (a cura di). Territori e frontiere della Rappresentazione. Atti del 39° Convegno internazionale dei docenti della Rappresentazione. Napoli, 14-16 settembre 2017, vol. 2, pp. 543-556. Roma: Gangemi editore.

For information and clarifications: 


There is no registration fee for authors and participants.

Organizing Committee

Eng. Salvatore Barba (Scientific Attache of the Italian Embassy in Buenos Aires)

Arc. Adriana Caldarone (DSDRA – Sapienza)

Arc. María Laura Calle (SCA)

Arc. Rita Comando (SCA)

Arc. Tommaso Empler (DSDRA – Sapienza)

Arc. Javier Nuñez (BIM – FADU)

Arc. Silvia Szuchman (BIM – FADU)

Arc. Stefania Portoghesi Tuzi (DSDRA – Sapienza)

Arc. Mariana Tambussi (SCA)

Scientific Committee

Arc. Eng. Jimena Alvarez (UNR)

Eng. Salvatore Barba (Scientific Attache of the Italian Embassy in Buenos Aires)

Arc. Adriana Caldarone (DSDRA – Sapienza)

Arc. María Laura Calle (SCA)

Arc. Rita Comando (SCA)

Eng. Andrea di Filippo (UNISA)

Arc. Tommaso Empler (DSDRA – Sapienza)

Eng. Luciano Gorosito (UTN)

Arc. Paula Grandotto (FADU, MOP)

Arc. Alejandro Moreira (UNL)

Arc. Javier Nuñez (BIM – FADU)

Eng. Joel Oggero (UTN)

Arc. Maria Victoria Pasini (FADU, MOP)

Arc. Bernardo Pergamo (UNC)

Arc. Stefania Portoghesi Tuzi (DSDRA – Sapienza)

Arc. Lucrecia Real (Autodesk Expert Elite)

Arc. José María Saleme (UNT)

Arc. Ana Licia Sanchez (UNSJ)

Arc. Silvia Szuchman (FADU)

Arc. Mariana Tambussi (SCA)
